Introduction Of Limited Fake Omega Speedmaster 310. Watches UK

In 1960, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin reached the moon by Apollo 11 successfully. Together, they brought one piece of Omega Speedmaster to the moon. Later, Speedmaster witnessed all the six moonfall missions of human beings. Therefore, Speedmaster is the star series of Omega and it is also called “Moon Watch”.

The 42 mm fake watches are made from stainless steel.
42 MM Fake Omega Speedmaster 310. Watches

This year is the 50th anniversary of the great event, Omega pushed out special editions to celebrate. Here, I’d like to show you black dials copy Omega Speedmaster 310. watches. This limited edition has only 6,969 pieces.

The 42 mm copy watches have black dials.
Black Dials Copy Omega Speedmaster 310. Watches

In 42 mm, on the backs of the polished stainless steel replica watches, there are patterns of Neil Armstrong’s footprint and his famous words “THAT’S ONE SMALL STEP FOR A MAN” and “ONE GIANT LEAP FOR MANKIND”.

Besides, there are patterns of Buzz Aldrin at the 60-second chronograph sub-dials at 9 o’clock on the black dials.

All the details on the black dials and black bezels of the perfect watches fake Omega are made from Moonshine 18k gold.